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Showing posts from November, 2023

Roller caps

 Those lovely Spanith boys Atletico Madrid (favourite side in the world) was a breeze to further the roller bets on to £19.60. Rangers leave it til mega late to secure a penalty and to land the rolls to £27.44. And we're up to speed with Basel making it 2-0 against St Gallen to reach £38.42. 

Alex TitsTrash Scott

Alex Scott wears risky see-through dress as BBC presenter glams up for awards bash — GB News (@GBNEWS) November 16, 2023  

The Morning Line - Recaps / World Cup Cricket Semi Finals

 Not much yesterday, recapped the morning, 3 roller bets, lost with Wigan first up, then claimed winners in the Tamworth match o0.5 and o1.5 to get a fresh rolls to £20.02. See what we see today. Recap on the HT inplays, now 1736u staked, +291.89u won, 16.81%. Rolling accas  +£192.60 (+19.26u), 23.20%, £20.02 pending.  Cricket Semi Finals is finally here, and fucking hell has it been a long long process. New Zealand and India kick things off (8.30am UK). Whilst I've enjoyed some of the matches the whole thing needs to be changed. You can understand why they have this format, two fold that it brings in more TV revenue and that also the best 4 teams should, realistically, be in the top 4 by the end.  But the lack of jeopardy on each and every game means that teams can sleep walk through part of the tourney and still come through. Then there's also the case of too many dead rubber matches. 

Female pool player refuses to play pool final

All women should follow this example. Biological men have no place in female sport. 👇🏻👇🏻 — David Vance (@DVATW) November 15, 2023  

“Manners Maketh Man”


Down two rolls for the newbies

 Quietish day for #teamdas yesterday with just the two rollers in play. Won a couple lost of couple to end the day -£20 (-2u).  No HT inplay bets today so we'll continue to try and run with the rollers.  England cricket defeated the Dutch to wave their flags a little. And in the upset of the day Ben Ten Hag lost out to Copenhagen with our boy Marcus getting red carded first half after a 2-0 lead, eventually losing 4-3. Great stuff. 

My man just out there

The rumor is the bags are still with the bell desk and he didn’t even check in yet….. — Bill Krackomberger (@BillKrackman) November 8, 2023


Aaron Rodgers and Kirk Cousins rehabbing together for their Achilles injury — Shooter McGavin (@ShooterMcGavin_) November 8, 2023