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Is this one of the great form turnarounds ever? Omiya Ardija, J-League

Omiya Ardija took a remarkable 36 points from their first 45 points in their respective league this season, winning an impressive 11 and drawing 3. They had just ONE loss in that time in the league.

Since the 10th July though, they recorded just THREE POINTS from a possible FIFTY ONE (winning 1-0 at home to Yokohama) losing 14 games in the process.

So from taking 36 points out of a possible 45, they then conspired to take just 3 points from the next 51?!? Crazy of what?


  1. strewth, how many players did they sell mid-season??

  2. Absolutely bonkers isn't it! I think they've won a couple since. Crazy turnaround though,


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