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An update

Every now and again I like to just post a quick update as to my thoughts and feelings of how things are going over the last few months and an expectation going forward. First let's look at some cold stats to get it out of the way. Under the first account #progambler, I accrued +30u exactly over a months period. I then switched to a newer account (@daspunter) where we have accrued +74.08 from the middle of November to date (currently 15/12/2014). We also had +11.55 taken from trial system bets within the changeover. To date overall then, we're +115.60u. Excellent so far.

This last week or so I have been refining some tweaks within one or two of my systems with mixed success. General plays are still going as swimmingly as ever, but I'm just trying to round off a few of these systems so that I can have a number at my disposal at different times during in play. So what I'm trying to say is that the fhgs stuff is still something ongoing; it may not even be profitable in the long run, but it's something I intend to find out. In the meantime, like always, you can tail or fade these plays. Whilst I don't ever feel the need to justify anything I do (these are after all my plays, that's all I've ever said they are), I still like to put everyone in the picture with regards to my thoughts and processes.

With regards to 'any other business'. The basketball started really really well, only for the last week or so to go a little pear shaped, but we may be back on track. Whatever really, but I'll be working on these as normal. And of course we have more NFL punts, cricket, tennis and anything really that I fancy.

I also lost some data which I can't really be arsed to go back over during two days in November as the spreadsheet will highlight, but the net effect was only a slight loss in those days I believe, so the figures didn't change that much anyway. I'll be doing some more stuff on this blog shortly and changing one or two things. May be a few in play posts and accas etc. But we'll see. For now it's still the bread and butter footy in plays that are keeping my attention.
