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Stretch out and wait

Right, so we have the first official trio month in the books and we can all take time to catch our breath over the next few days with the international break upon us. There's several things I want to briefly chat about here so let's get straight to the raw figures for August 18.

Daspunter went +43.89u on pre games/inplays, -9.3u in PODS and a couple of small roller losses. So overall +34.59u and some roller change lost.
James Value Underdogz went +23u.
Combat Guy Ry went +335.50 pounds.

To conclude, an overwhelmingly positive start to the season across football and combat. We have already started well into September, but I think it's time to reflect on where we are and what we're looking to.

First off we had a relatively seamless transition from Twitter to Telegram to contend with early doors and with anything of this nature, we had a few small teething problems. Nothing major, but it meant #teamdas had to do a lot of behind the scenes crap which took up a large proportion of our time. All that is done now and whilst things may not be perfect perfect we have designated the chat groups into manageable areas now with members for the most part keeping things noise free - except Chat Shit Group which will never have any rules. So all that is good.

Secondly, the members we have brought in have been bang on the money in terms of integrating into the group culture. As a heads up, we're allowed to moan, we're allowed to bitch, we're allowed to be frustrated but this bitch is HARD HARD WORK and so we never, ever, round on anyone. We try our best to do a bit of background check on anyone joining; this group has always been a fabulous balance and that is our number one objective. Integrate or fuck off, that's the bottom line.

Thirdly, the new members have added their voice and their bets and their thoughts in Chat Shit and the Members Area, which is brilliant. We're NEVER going to shout anyone down for giving us information, thoughts and bets. We are going to be annoyed if you have these bets and didn't put your thoughts forward. It's up to everyone to take on board suggestions and back their own judgment. So keep things coming.

Fourthly, and this is a very very important one, we've yet to see a horror run yet. In the world of gambling where you fight for every inch, believe me when I say THIS IS ALL PLAIN SAILING SO FAR. It doesn't get any better than this. This is therefore the easy part, handling success. What we're going to have to see is the character of everyone, during a bad turn (which will come, it's a question of when). It's THIS which defines the better gamblers from the worse gamblers.

Fifth, never take this for granted. Momentum, good times, never switch off. If you have a good day prepare for the worst the next day. Respect every unit won. Grind out those tough stretches. Be disciplined. Stay focused. Never push when the game is not playing fair. Accept it. Embrace losses. Embracing losses is equally if not more important than celebrating winners.

Sixth, enjoy it. The sooner you enjoy the process (good and bad) the easier everything will become. Never set out to win x per day, it never works. Sometimes it's with you sometimes it's not. If it's not, back the fuck up and get out of there. You have to have a laugh when gambling and keep spirits high, or this can sink you. YOU MUST BE PREPARED for long drawn out GRIND RUNS. If you go 40-40 there's no shame in that. Gambling (for my money) is never a straight line of +2, +3, +1, etc etc. It's a tough fucking grind, until you get that pop day of a +8. Know and understand 'the zone' you're in personally. Are things going for you? Are they not? The line between skill and luck couldn't be thinner. The margins between a good and bad day are barely visible on times. We're battling bookies that have everything in their favour, never think we're continually smarter than them.

That's all the precautionary stuff covered, I just want to move on to one more thing.

Guys, the marketing side of things is equally as important as the betting side of things, I know we keep on, but we don't care, The faster we can grow this thing, the more beneficial it will be to you long term, in all sorts of ways. If you have a chance, retweet things. If can you comment, comment on things. Daspunter tweets, James tweets, Ryan tweets. Keep on promoting us. We are putting an extraordinary amount of time into this and a simple retweet or comment isn't too much to ask. It's just a visible cue that looks to re-enforce #teamdas.

So we have a bit of a break in terms of fixture size and to be perfectly honest it's come at the right time, because I'm close to exhaustion, I don't know about James and Ryan :).

So once more - enjoy it. And be realistic. Contribute when you can in any area you wish, info/angles/suggestions we don't care. That's it, let's have a good month.


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