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The end of 2018 - some thoughts

With the end of 2018 in sight and the first 5 months in the books under the new Daspunter group I thought it a good time to just put some thoughts out there and to have a brief review of things.

Well what a year it was - first up, the positive.

So Daspunter has been running for years now mostly in the guise of a smaller more manageable group. In August 2018 I decided to open things up a little and to bring on board two people that would broaden the scope and appeal of #teamdas and to try and create something new. Daspunter in case anybody didn't know was always run by me and me alone, but I just wanted to change things up a little and go in a slightly different direction.

On August 2018 I brought in Ryan who I had known for years on my main account to deal with combat sports and also James who ran a Value Underdogs feed on twitter. Both had things to offer and the idea at first was to try and create a place which kept on growing and growing with new members added to the old traditional membership that had grown the previous years. I may have been away with the fairies but I had an almost innocent outlook that the group could keep growing and keep adding value as a one stop shop for punters interested in us. I still partially have this vision, but I've learned some valuable lessons along the way.

With every new member it has the potential to upset the overall dynamic and going forward this is something that #teamdas will have to doubly look out for. The dream was to just include everyone interested in joining, but this is something that will have to be tempered slightly with a much more careful vetting process.

In early December, the group added another string to its bow in bringing in STG Bets. He has been a very welcome addition and we look forward to a prosperous 2019. At the last count, myself, James and Ryan was approaching the +200u mark between August 2018 and December 2018. When January 1st spins around we'd have gone over +220u I'm sure. An obvious totally biased perspective from me, but I don't believe you will find a more real bunch trying to help others with their bets.

We are not a golden ticket. We cannot promise the earth. We have good days and bad. We are as human with our shitty plays as with our good ones. We are human in that we experience everyday emotions that can impact our bets (good and bad). We don't profess to know it all. I've been doing this for 9/10 years and I'm learning every day - skill, luck, happiness, sadness, stress, calm, family, time, discipline, indiscipline, bad beats, good beats are all ingredients each and every day we do this. I cannot keep stressing how important the bigger picture is in sports gambling. Going 30-40 means nothing if you can go 50-25 from the next batch.

Sports betting is never a straight line. Never. In my experience it's a whole fortnight of 'fuck yous' and unfathomables which if you're lucky to come out of at break even to then hit a +12u run, you're doing just fine. It simply blows my mind how most seemingly intelligent people profess to understand the concepts of betting (ie that it's hard, and that the books have an edge over 99.9% of sports gamblers) and yet in the same breath want constant winning days and not willing to accept how hard it is.

Most will jump from tipster to tipster to tipster and will go through dozens if not hundreds to find 'the one'. This Utopia, it simply doesn't exist. One of the more exasperating parts of all this is seeing some complain of volume, of noise, of being over-complicated or too hard to follow and then follow said hundreds of twitter tipster dishing out 50 games a day with zero records. Most are renowned long term failures. It truly does break the heart. But it is what it is.

This year we saw the transition from Twitter to Telegram as numbers increased which had a few teething problems but we're all settled now. The group in the main, is an excellent one. Getting the blend right is still the number one priority over anything else. I am delighted in some of the new members that contribute actively and have really gotten the Daspunter vibe. You don't have to contribute people, but a small hello or a comment here and there in the chat section really would be nice.

In terms of the general gambling twitter landscape 2018 has been a sewer. It is the worst year in terms of being the most hostile and toxic and fraudulent environment I can ever remember. When I first came here like 10 years ago this was a place that helped each other. It was new, it was refreshing. There were some genuinely great accounts out there and everyone knew everyone. Somewhere along the line a lot of the old guard have gone their separate ways and we now have millions and millions of gambling accounts. It has also been the year where good old fashioned betting has taken a back seat to data packs and stats sheets. I'm not even going to begin to give this the time of day.

We have accounts, we have troll accounts, we have ghost accounts and burner accounts. We have kids in school pretending to be Las Vegas sharps. We have US accounts that continue to scam, then they scam on another account and another and another. We have accounts that lost their ass on the last big sporting event and yet people still blindly follow. We have tribal wars and sarcasm and those utterly hideous traders who have never contributed a single good thing on twitter before the event. It's truly the most toxic environment I can ever recall. Have we ever contributed in part to any of this in any small measure? Possibly, and that is something I'm changing. To try and alter something you must first look at yourself.

From January 1st we're going to be overwhelmingly positive going forward. We're going to try and disengage with all that stuff from 2018. The main Das account will be retweeting things of importance or tips or info or some fun stuff and will be providing some free plays and some free content on the blog page.

More importantly, any negativity will be dealt with by a straight block. I have spent so much wasted time in the past that the most effective thing going forward is to give the absolute minimal time and energy to anyone negative. I can't stress this enough.

I am really looking forward to 2019. We hope we can build on what we've got so far, I have one or two more plans that I'd like implemented during the year, but in the main I think we're getting there. The group is a superb little mix and yet the focus will be to add to this group with like-minded individuals that fit into the Daspunter ethos.

One person that needs a special mention is David Wiseman - he is the Daspunter person of the year.

He embodies everything that we're about. He takes the rough with the smooth. He is constantly looking to learn and adapt. He is active in the group environment and his consistent promoting of us on twitter is brilliant. Many people don't go on twitter a great deal and that is fine; however it is our main marketing vehicle and so retweets and comments would be nice from time to time. David adds his bets and is always looking to be optimistic. The ironic thing is, it took me months to convince him to join Daspunter. But I thing he's glad he did now.

For all that he brings, David will get the next membership at half price as a small token of our appreciation and as an example to what we're looking for in our members.

To all the other members that contribute and give value in any sort of way many many thanks. To all the old school members, many thanks. You've been the solid base and the first people that followed me all those years ago and you'll be rewarded down the line.

So here's looking forward to 2019. We shall try and grow slowly but surely and we'll continue to try to give of our best for you.

Many thanks, and have a Merry Christmas!



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