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November Results

The run up to Christmas is upon us as we do a little bit of analysis for November. 

(Overall PnL for November) 


Not the greatest but no damage. 

STG - grind month for STG coming in at 26u, +0.79u, 3.04%.

Das - Pre game poor month going 28u, -9.23u, -33%, some tennis plays brought +2.7u and inplays went 88.5u, +8.47u, 9.57%. Overall 138.5u, +1.94u, 1.40%.

TAC - Small loss month here with 138u put out, -2.25u, -163%

SJW - his inplays systems bets went an excellent +38u, +12.3u, 32.37%.

JM Bets - 239.75u, +17.8u, 7.42%. Another excellent month from JM who is now closing in on 30u @ 3.21% after a slow start.

Props - some close misses from our Props Bets going 29.2u, -13.6u, -46.58%. Not his month but I'm still looking forward to his NFL plays especially through December. 

Daily Grind - Horse racing again a little tricky through November going 22u, -7.27u, -33.05%. 

We also welcome new Golf Tipster Down the Line (Twitter handle @DownTheLineAcc) who'll be hitting the links for us as a #teamdas addition, so really looking forward to this. 

He'll also be giving out some free golf plays on the twitter. 

Onto December to close out 2021. 

Again, thanks to all the members for supporting #teamdas. 
