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The perpetual cycle

 One of the things that continues to irritate me about Gambling Twitter are those experienced accounts that should know better, promoting new accounts (account created Oct 21, Nov 21', Dec 21') on the basis of very short term results.

We should all know the cycle by now.

New account. Loses a lot. Packs in account. Leaves.
New account. Loses a lot. Packs in account. Leaves.

The cycle will continue until the same person on say his 4th try hits a decent run of form thus gaining some traction and some attention in the Twittersphere. It's at this point where this account is now 'in the game' as a Gambling Twitter sharp.

The next phase is one that is as old as the hills - the currying favor phase.

The account will then start to rub shoulders with some high follower accounts to boost their numbers and to continue to promote themselves as the new found savior and gambling sharp. Don't forget at this stage, most people would only have seen the very short term run and not the other 4 efforts. 

But this isn't what necessarily bothers me. What bothers me more is that it's the same people that demand Gambling Twitter be cleaner and more transparent. The same people who demand that the true reflection of a capper paid or free are long term records (1000 bets+) and then promote accounts that have been around for 5 minutes, as it may also be in their own interest.

It's this hypocrisy that is disappointing if not unexpected. But it's this hypocrisy that keeps this place being what it is. A smoke and mirrors illusion fest. 

These people really should know better and are complicit in this murky environment - the same murky environment they criticize in another breath.

So why do they do it? My best guess is that the number one thing on Twitter is to be accepted and validated and most people are willing to bend any rules for the adoration of the masses. It's a portal to more followers, more likes, more interactions, etc. At the end of the day, we are dealing with gamblers. 

What this does however, is further fuel the need for some punters to jump from one account to the next in a never ending cycle of trying to find 'the one' something that has gone on since day one and will continue forever. Although it's mind blowing how many people still do this knowing deep down that this irrational quest always ends in frustration and disaster. 

False records. Small snapshots of form. It all adds to the illusion that everyone is a winner on Gambling Twitter when the truth is the exact opposite. But everyone knows this already. It's just one of the unspoken rules of gambling twitter. 

And worse still, this only makes it that much harder for good, decent, honest, long term accounts to get noticed and applauded. The accounts that are diligent, that do their research, that trust in their methods over the course and distance. Those accounts with realistic betting figures and not the make-believe huge ROI nonsense.

You even see accounts that are very good but with limited traction/interest/followers because perhaps they give out realistic figures (which nobody is really interested in) or they haven't used enough emojis or Matthew McConaughey/Wolf of Wall Street pics, THEMSELVES promote these 5 minute wonders to their OWN detriment. I shake my head. But it will never change.

It can change if enough respected cappers and groups stop falling into this trap. But it won't because they would already have seen through this by now. This is the disappointment. Not that the inexperienced gamblers do this flip flopping to the latest shiny account but that those who should know better and been around a fair bit do nothing but encourage it. 
