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Updates for September

 For September we're going for -

The normal foursome of STG (Cards), TAC (Corners), Das (PODS/trial ip gb60s), Basil (value football/ asian handicap/totals). 

Added to this we're running everything else in the MISC SECTION (so will be disbanding the MEMBERS section as makes little sense running both). 

In the MISC SECTION we run, Mathias Boxing, Props Steve Football Props, Shezter Rugby League, Paul Horse Racing, Rasmus Handball, Feinting The Line Football Props. 

With the increase in volume from Basil, Feinting The Line and Rasmus being added my Das plays will be reduced to just the PODS and maybe the inplay trial continuation.

Feinting The Line will be giving out a staking plan post so that some members can understand the staking a little clearer. 

Any qs, get back to me on the Telegram. 
