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The Morning Line - recaps

 7th December went jolly fine for TAC corners. 3 plays including Kidlington, Rajasthan and San Fernando sweep the board 3/3 for +2.65u of profit. 

-5u blip from STG, South Korea doing some damage for us as well as the under line hitting in Spain v Morocco when on o3.5 cards. 

-7u run for TDG on the horses no luck in Uttoxeter and Musselburgh after picking up +9.5u in Southwell and Ludlow previously. 

Last slate of Ras handball went 4/4 sweep taking his month to -2.7u, picking up +6.7u there. Four plays up on the board already for Sunday FREE PLAYS *Magdeburg u61.5 2.00, Frisch Auf Goppingen u28.5tt 1.80, THW Kiel o56.5 1.88, TVB Stuttgart u57.5 1.88*

Norfolk running 36.4u staked 29.4u returned so far on his NFL and other player props bets. 

Bad weekday for Bops NFL as we're around break even for the season now. 

Das last play was a POD on a limited slate domestically at the monment. Maribor o1.5tt 1.50 2u was a winner. 
