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Recaps / TAC stolen laptop / Rasmus on the charge / Life stuff

 Just a quick one. 

TAC has been absent as his laptop been stolen or something ala Hunter Biden. Getting one on Lidl's special tomorrow I believe. 

STG had a couple of losses in Southampton with pass props for 1.5u and a loss on the Bundesliga cards inplay.

Some winners for Norfolk props hitting Orban shots @ 1.75, 4.33, 3.25, couple of losses with Mainz match props. 

The month looking good for Rasmus Handball picking up +2.55u to run in +8.55u for January.

Couple of general inplay winners and couple of system losers over last few days for Das. 

Some decent news, the old man is responding well to his chemo and the daughter is a little bit better with her eating so it's been a worthwhile month to just take stock of some stuff. Will be doing some more of these mini recaps and some betting/other thoughts every few days or so when time allows. 



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