The run up to Christmas is upon us as we do a little bit of analysis for November. (Overall PnL for November) 631.45u +9.71u 1.54% Not the greatest but no damage. STG - grind month for STG coming in at 26u, +0.79u, 3.04%. Das - Pre game poor month going 28u, -9.23u, -33%, some tennis plays brought +2.7u and inplays went 88.5u, +8.47u, 9.57%. Overall 138.5u, +1.94u, 1.40%. TAC - Small loss month here with 138u put out, -2.25u, -163% SJW - his inplays systems bets went an excellent +38u, +12.3u, 32.37%. JM Bets - 239.75u, +17.8u, 7.42%. Another excellent month from JM who is now closing in on 30u @ 3.21% after a slow start. Props - some close misses from our Props Bets going 29.2u, -13.6u, -46.58%. Not his month but I'm still looking forward to his NFL plays especially through December. Daily Grind - Horse racing again a little tricky through November going 22u, -7.27u, -33.05%. We also welcome new Golf Tipster Down the Line (Twitter handle @DownTheLineAcc) w...